Step Count Challenge

Logo for: Step Count Challenge

Sector: Charity, Health
Type: Data recording and reporting
Aim: Promotion of health and wellbeing

Paths for All is a registered Scottish charity. Their vision is for a happier, healthier Scotland where physical activity improves quality of life and wellbeing for all. Their strategic priorities are to reduce the proportion of the population who are inactive, through the delivery of a national walking programme, an active travel behaviour change programme and to increase the number, quality, accessibility and multi-use of paths.

Paths for All receive Scottish Government funding to carry out this work and the Step Count Challenge is one of their key programmes in delivering our vision.

Working closely and in collaboration with the client we developed a bespoke database and graphical UI which enabled the client to modernise their existing platform and improve their service to their walking teams. The platform was developed using the legacy data from their previous system, which has become technically and financially difficult to update. This data platform provides:

  • CRM Database and website user interface
  • Transformation of legacy data system into new database
  • Introduction of multiple walk-tracker APIs
  • Multi-user type sign-in and complex administration
  • Payment, invoicing and registration system
  • Data recording, reporting and workplace exports
  • Data analytics dashboard 
  • Full CMS system
  • My Forest-Carbon Calculator
  • Companion mobile App (PWA)
Example image

The system was re-developed from the ground up, ensuring that the existing data was still useable, and all new business ideas were incorporated.

Tayfusion delivered a full system, with content managed website, incorporating data and performance improvements and key requirements such as the addition  of external data using APIs (Garmin, Fitbit etc). The new platform has allowed the Step Count Challenge to be continually updated and improved, with recent updates such as 'My Forest' - a carbon calculator and awareness tool.

The Step Count Challenge website and platform is an example of a system that is fully bespoke and ever-growing, a system that we are proud of and one that continues to exceed the needs and expectations of PFA and its customers.

More information about our friends at Paths for All and the Step Count Challenge can be found here:

Contact us now to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals.

What the Client Says