Many charities experience problems with collecting and curating their data resulting in service reliability issues and staff time and resource implications. We have worked with a number of charities to improve and upgrade their legacy data collection and storage processes to incorporate a useable interactive database.
The clients that we work with share a common theme: their data is collected and stored in different mediums and in different locations. Tayfusion specialises in taking disparate data types and storage methods and bringing them together in a single system that exactly meets the user's needs.
Word documents; Excel documents; Access databases; Shared storage such as Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox; Back end storage in WordPress or Wix sites; Hand written forms and notes. All these can be combined into a single system to streamline your working processes.
It really can be as simple as put data in, perform actions based on that data, and get data back out!
We work closely with the people that handle the data on a day to day basis and, with their guidance, replace their outdated data collection and processing practices allowing the client to free up staff time and improve the overall service value.
Would you like to discuss ways to best to solve your data problems?
Contact us now